As these files contain copyrighted material we cannot make them available on this site.

Most commonly you may need BIOS or firmware files for the console you want to emulate.
If you need a commercial-grade graphics visualization tool for viewing, sharing, and analyzing protein and modeling data, complete the form below to receive the free Discovery Studio Visualizer for interactive 3D visualization. Molecular visualization is a key aspect of the analysis and communication of modeling studies. NET DLLs (aka managed DLLs) that contain various APIs that can be found in the 3ds Max executable directory. I happen to know that there are quite a few. NET SDK which has some documentation and examples, but it is only the tip of the iceberg.

DSiWare backup files are ".bin" files that have an 8-digit identification inside the Nintendo DSiWare folder. It only contains the bare minimum required to run DS games. The files must be placed in the same directory as the melonDS executable, as follows: * bios7.bin - ARM7 BIOS, 16KB * bios9.bin - ARM9 BIOS, 4KB * firmware.bin - firmware, 256KB or 512KB Note: the DS-mode firmware in the 3DS isn't bootable. Free 3D trash-can models for download, files in 3ds, max, c4d, maya, blend, obj, fbx with low poly, animated, rigged, game, and VR options.